Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sudio Tonne

The front page of studio tone is of an equsite corpse of play it is of the three men that work at studo tonne when the mouse is scrolled over each one there actions change also the sound can change. This works well as there opening page you can see that there company is base on play. If the era of digital downloading seems a threat to music graphics, it does not bother Paul farrington of studio tonne , who riding the crest a new wave of music and propensity for tinkering with software has seen him invent his own genre of interactive sound visuals . it is in the digital arts that farrington has really found his niche. His passion lies in his various soundtoys, the virtual product that first brought him to the wider consciousness. The toys are based around a simple visual idea. On the screen are a set of lines with a time bar running through each one, further down are a cluster of icons that contain different sound samples. All you have to do to create a song or, probably more accurately, a soundscape is drag an icon onto the line.

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